In February 2024, Marjorie, a St. Louis Arc Capable Kids and Family Resource Specialist, provided Gabe, a new client with a Talker Buddy Communication Device for non-verbal kids with Autism. From the very start, Gabe was using and enjoying his new device. During March’s St. Louis Arc home visit, Gabe’s mom reported using it all the time and stated she was unsure if he was just pushing buttons or was using it to communicate. She said it quickly became clear Gabe was using the Talker Buddy to communicate his needs. Gabe uses it to let his mom, and sibling know when he is ready to eat, wants a drink of water, is ready for his bath, when he is sad, etc. Mom says she is so happy she no longer must guess his feelings. She thanks Marjorie for the small, yet impactful accommodation. Mom says it has helped with family operations and dynamics gives high praise to St. Louis Arc for their ongoing support and states she enjoys each home visit with Marjorie.